فروشرله حالت جامد 40A تک فاز ( SSR-40DA )<br/>:<br/>This is SSR-40DA Single-phase Soild State Relay. It can be driver by Arduino directly without any expandin digital-appliances other-digital-appliances other-digital-appliances
فروشرله حالت جامد 40A تک فاز ( SSR-40DA )<br/>:<br/>This is SSR-40DA Single-phase Soild State Relay. It can be driver by Arduino directly without any expandin digital-appliances other-digital-appliances other-digital-appliances
ارسال شده توسط : حسین صحرائی
همه آگهی های این کاربر
قیمت : تماس بگیرید
ارسال شده توسط : حسین صحرائی
تلفن: 09144100446
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فروشرله حالت جامد 40A تک فاز ( SSR-40DA )
This is SSR-40DA Single-phase Soild State Relay. It can be driver by Arduino directly without any expanding circuit because of its built-in opto-couple. The plastic protective cover makes it be a safer relay module.
SSR solid state relay uses inflaming retarding engineering plastic shell, epoxy resin encapsulation and screw terminal connection. This series solid state relay has high structural strength, impact resistance and strong resistance to vibratility. The low input drive current makes it convenient to connect with computer terminal and various digital programmable interface circuit.

Reliable SMT technology
High ultra insulation resistance over 50MΩ/500V DC
High dielectric over 2.5KV
Low enable current less than 7.5mA/12V DC, compatible with CMOS IC or TTL
Low EMI/EFI & surge by zero cross trigger method
High surge current over 410A/one cycle (60Hz)
High surge voltage duration by snubber circuit

Model: SSR-40 DA
Control Mode:DC-AC
Load Voltage: 24-380VAC
Load Current: 40A
Control Voltage: 3-32VDC
Control Current: DC3-25mA
Working voltage: 250V
On voltage: ≤1V
One-off Time: ≤10ms
Off leakage Current: ≤2mA
Installation Method: Bolt Fixed
Working Indication: LED
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